These Codes of Conduct have been created by NIFCA to support conservation measures within the district. They provide guidelines which should be followed along the coastline, from the Tyne to the Tweed.
These Codes of Conduct have been created by NIFCA to support conservation measures within the district. They provide guidelines which should be followed along the coastline, from the Tyne to the Tweed.
NIFCA has implemented a Code of Conduct for periwinkle gatherers. Care should be taken by all gatherers to minimise any adverse environmental impacts of their activity. Collection of periwinkles by hand can involve turning rocks which, if not put back, can damage, or kill other life living on or under the rocks. All rocks moved should be replaced carefully.
Periwinkle below the minimum market size (12mm) should not be taken and larger individuals should be preferentially taken to allow smaller individuals to reproduce. Care should also be taken to only collect edible periwinkle as this reduces the impacts on other species on the rocky shore.
NIFCA has developed a voluntary code of conduct for bait collection on the Blyth estuary. For further information on the Blyth estuary and continued monitoring by NIFCA, please click HERE. These guidelines will be useful and of interest to those wishing to collect bait on the site. If you would like to contact NIFCA in relation to this code of conduct please contact our office 01670 797676.