Netting Byelaw

The members of Northumberland IFCA at the Quarterly Meeting on the 22nd April, 2024 voted in favour of the ‘Netting’ byelaw. The byelaw updates and revokes the “Fixed Engines” byelaw in order to:

  • simplify the regulation,
  • address the limited protection within estuaries and intertidal areas,
  • regulate other types of netting rather than just fixed engines, and
  • include a provision which requires a permit for netting in the NIFCA district.

Now we will begin the process of the statutory consultation on the byelaw. The full byelaw and impact assessment can be found on the consultations section of the NIFCA website (  Any person wishing to object or comment on the confirmation of the above byelaw must make representation in writing before 30/06/2024 to the Marine Conservation Team, Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 7EH or: and must send a copy of such written representation to the Chief Officer at Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority at 8 Ennerdale Road, Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 4RT or

The current Fixed Engine Byelaw remains in place until the new byelaw is confirmed by the Secretary of State.