If you would like to view our byelaws, click HERE

Answer: This is bounded by, in the south, a line drawn down the centre of the River Tyne from the National Tidal Limit (“NTL”) between the councils in NIFCA district and councils in NEIFCA district; then out to 6 nautical miles from the baseline. In the north the English/Scottish border out to 6 nautical miles from the baseline, also including all rivers and estuaries with the NIFCA district up to their NTL. For further information refer to the section ‘Limits of the District’ in the NIFCA Byelaw Booklet (link to NIFCA byelaws above).

Answer: The sizes of the most frequently landed shellfish within the Authority’s district are: lobster 87 mm (carapace length), Edible Crab (brown crab) 130 mm (carapace width), Velvet Crab 65 mm (carapace width). For further details and a full list of minimum sizes for both fish and shellfish click here.

Answer: Each individual must not land more than 1 lobster, 5 crabs, 20 whelks or 5 prawns per day. For further information see Byelaws 3 (Crustacea Conservation) and 4 (Crustacea and Molluscs permitting and pot limitation) Byelaws

Answer: You are allowed to use up to 5 pots, creels, traps or cages within the Authority’s district only after you have registered with NIFCA by completing an application for a recreational permit and have been issued with up to 5 tags. All pots must be fitted with an escape gap and recreational pot tag and should be clearly marked with the owner details. For further information see Byelaws 3 (Crustacea Conservation) and 4 (Crustacea and Molluscs permitting and pot limitation): Byelaws

Answer: Apply online HERE. Or contact the Authority’s office at 8 Ennerdale Road Blyth, Northumberland NE24 4RT. Telephone 01670 797 676 and arrange to complete the application form (see 4 above) and collect your tags and escape gaps.

Either visit or contact the NIFCA office at Blyth (see item 5 for address) or click HERE for byelaws or HERE for the latest news.

Answer: There are a number of restrictions regarding the use of gillnets within the NIFCA district at different times of the year. For further information please contact either the Environment Agency, Marine Management Organisation or NIFCA. NIFCA Byelaw 6 (Fixed Engines) contains a number of restrictions relevant to the use of gillnets within the district, for full details click HERE

All personal information provided to NIFCA is treated with the strictest confidentiality and care. Please see our Privacy Notice HERE for full details of how it may be stored, used, shared and how you can request it to be deleted.