Commercial Fisher fined for Breaching Fisheries Legislation

A commercial fisherman from Holy Island, Mr Paul Douglas, was fined £2,690 by magistrates at the Quayside Law Courts in Newcastle on Friday, May 10th. The fine comes as a consequence of breaching national fisheries legislation aimed at protecting key species along the Northumberland Coast.

This related to incidents in November 2023 and January 2024 when Mr Douglas retained egg bearing Lobsters.

The case was brought against Mr Douglas by the Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NIFCA) who manage the inshore fishery along the Northumberland and North Tyneside coastline.

During the hearing, Andrew Oliver of Andrew Jackson Solicitors prosecuting on behalf of NIFCA, informed the court that on both the 16th of November 2023 and the 16th of January 2024, enforcement officers from NIFCA had conducted inspections on Mr Douglas’s catch and vessel.

Mr Douglas, the owner/skipper of the commercial fishing vessel Scarlet Cord R7, was found to have had prohibited egg bearing lobsters in his catch on both occasions, tests later performed on one of the lobsters showed that although there was only a limited number of eggs still present, the remainder that would have also been attached had not naturally hatched.

Mr Douglas had committed two offences,

  • He, on the 16th of November 2023 had fished for and retained two berried lobsters, contrary to the Lobster and Crawfish (Prohibition of Fishing and Landing) Order 2000 and the Sea Fish Conservation Act 1967.
  • He, on the 16th of January 2024 had fished for and retained two berried lobsters, contrary to the Lobster and Crawfish (Prohibition of Fishing and Landing) Order 2000 and the Sea Fish Conservation Act 1967.

Mr Douglas, represented in court by Richard Arnot of Ward Hadaway Solicitors pleaded guilty to both offences. The Bench issued Mr Douglas a Band D fine of £960 and ordered him to pay a victim surcharge of £384 along with prosecution costs of £1,350.

Nick Weir, lead enforcement officer for NIFCA, expressed satisfaction with the court’s decision, stating: “The Authority is pleased that the court recognises the importance of enforcing conservation measures within our district. The shellfish fishery is vital for Fishers in the district and allowing lobsters to breed successfully helps to ensure stocks can be maintained”.

“Fishing in Northumberland is an economically sensitive activity and of great social importance to our local heritage and character. Our byelaws in conjunction with national legislation, balance the social, environmental, and economic needs of our stakeholders to promote healthy seas, sustainable fishing, and a viable industry”.