NIFCA is pleased to announced that Defra has confirmed the implementation with immediate effect of the new NIFCA Crustacea Conservation byelaw. This replaces the previous Crustacea Conservation Byelaw and changes none of the provision in that byelaw, BUT it also makes permanent the requirement in the NIFCA disrtict to return berried lobsters to the sea immediately by any person fishing in this IFCA district. A copy of this byelaw can be found HERE 

Limits of NIFCA District

NIFCA Boundary

There is new information on detailing the steps needed to export fish to the EU after 29 March in the event of a no deal Brexit. See the government poster below regarding catch certificates:

Other leaflets provide information about Catching Fish and Exporting Fish

More information can be seen on the website HERE

Limits of NIFCA District

NIFCA Boundary

Check out our latest edition of NIFCA News HERE! We hope you find it to be informative and enjoyable.

Limits of NIFCA District

NIFCA Boundary

Defra has released some useful links for the information all involved in the seafood/fisheries industry in the preparation for EU Exit. Please take the opportunity to make yourself familiar with the following information: –

Preparing for EU Exit

Latest information for the fisheries sector on preparing for EU Exit:

IMO Numbers

In certain circumstances after Brexit, UK boats will be required to be registered with the International Maritime Organization (IMO). For details on how to apply for an IMO number, which is free, see:

Export and Imports of Fish with EU

To export wild-caught marine fish to the EU if there’s a NO DEAL Brexit, you’ll need:

  • a catch certificate
  • an export health certificate, except for direct landings in EU ports from UK-flagged fishing vessels

A fuller list of what may be needed to export fish, as well as information on importing fish to the UK from the EU, can also be viewed on the pages below:

Limits of NIFCA District

NIFCA Boundary